Monday, June 1, 2015

What Features of Focusky Make it the Best PowerPoint Alternative

What software occurs to you when you think of creating visual aids? For most of people, I believe, it is Microsoft PowerPoint. Truly, no one can dispute its absolute standard in the business world. But, let’s face it, it is out-dated, so 20th century. Now plenty of 21st century presentation tools have come forth, accompanying with more cool functionalities. The best one among them is Focusky, an outstanding free PowerPointalternative that is worthy of being strongly recommended. This up and coming tool is a real alternative to the typical slideshow format of presentations, taking presentations to a different direction. In this article, I would like to show how this fantastic presentation maker overwhelms PowerPoint.

Undoubtedly, nowadays PowerPoint is still the most popular presentation tool. People around you must have created a lot of PPTs. But slide-to-slide presentations have become less attractive to audience, and even boring. It is because audiences have seen enough static linear slideshows. Then make a different non-linear presentation to catch audiences’ eyes with Focusky.

Focusky serves to create non-linear animated presentations. It offers a wide-open canvas where you put slides. The canvas allows you to place slides wherever you like. No more flipping from one slide to the next, PowerPoint style, Focusky hop around the canvas, zooming in to one slide for viewing, then up, out, and onto the next. This dazzling animated flow throws PowerPoint into the shade.   

As I have mentioned, the canvas is zoomable, which gives you ability to zoom in/out infinitely. It ensures that you will not miss any detail of presentations.

In output options, Focusky completely overwhelms PowerPoint as well. Unlike PPT’s limited publish types, Focusky provides more:
Ø  Cloud: to safely and freely store the presentation;
Ø  HTML: to upload the presentation to websites;
Ø  Video: to upload the presentation to video websites like YouTube or burn it to DVD;
Ø  APP: including EXE for Windows and APP for Mac;
Ø  Zip: easy to send the presentation.
These output options give you more opportunities to present your presentation.